InkJet AirForce

 A really quick, cheap way  to build and fly High performance foamboard RC planes- Download and print template/graphics and be flying in just a few hours



James Sullivan

     Designing U/C (U-control) and Free Flight model planes testing the designs in the neighborhood church yard or the cattle-field nearby. Nearly daily trips to hobbyshop a mile away on my bike. early 70’s Bored in high school to the point

    I nearly flunked choosing to design Model rockets and using Calculus to estimate altitude and trig to verify.

    Checked out every model magazine in the library rereading each many timesz 1971- Got to turn slightly an RC plane in flight….instantly hooked. Field was 4 seasons golf course. Club was Voluteer AeroModellers and still fly there (have been since 2009)

Joined AMA in 1971

77225-and still has that number


   The author flew his first plane (a UC Wen-Mac plastic .049 model) around early 60’s and was thus ‘hooked’    

   The author then bought his own mutli-channel digital radio with paper route earnings.

   The system was a used 6 channel Orbit with 6 MK (ugly green) servos. The Orbit transmitter was fabulous but the MK servos took out a scratch-built plane built every time one went out. -5 planes later-, the author was now basically flying a digital single channel with no throttle. Yeah, times were tough. The FCC split all the AM channels and only way to fly was get three frequency clothespins or buy another radio. Not being able to afford another radio at that time the author just stopped flying for a while. Over the years built a few balsa planes and bought a used nitro Heli in the early 90’s. Flew the Heli with only a Conquest aircraft radio and a gyro.

2009- Built his first electric plane a 3 channel similar to a Champ of his own design built for the grandkids but when he found how well it flew, just started flying it himself.

2010-  Joined VAM and invented the CrazyBall debuted it at the Chicago e-Fest in 2010 with kits marketed internationally through 2012 (shipping was just too high so kit-making was halted)

2011 thru present- designed, developed and tested hundreds of mostly foam RC plane designs, many crazy and wild but all flew quite well. One had a 10′ wing and was 1/3 scale. Many/most of of his planes were flown FPV (First Person View) 

    Most of the videos taken from  these planes were posted to YouTube both from the ground as well as from the plane itself.

Hey, they can be downloaded and printed!

No need to ship a kit now!

2018 approximately- Discovered a method to create those designs as templates and graphics options, printing them on standard typing paper and transferring them to foam artboard for really high performance cheap RC planes

2019-Authors wife was unfortunately diagnosed with a terminal rare severe form of Alzheimer’s and he is her 24-7 caregiver with her being on Hospice for over a year .

Now 2023

2022-Slowly, very slowly, developing the Etsy business and sister website for

2023-A lot of problems with website/host (site was nearly lost completely but finally restored) and wife’s health continually getting worse

-Started Etsy ShopStarted Shopify shop

Site is live, Products added, Etsy is added as Cart

2024-InkJetAirForce revamp and build is nearly complete

-adding how-to/build videos to Library